22-23 Imerir

There will be three oral presentations and two grammar tests.

Exam May 12th

Exam November 18th


Unit 1 Describing Technology

  • Oral expression: Present Simple, Simple Past, Simple Future, “Présent indicatif” becomes 4 verb tenses in English (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Simple Future and Present Perfect Continuous), For/Since, Conditional 1 (Present Simple with Simple Future), Conditional 2 (Simple Past with Present Conditional)
  • NFC oral presentation group work document
  • Link to folder
  • Grading sheet


Today I will talk to you about the NFC coffee maker. People have been drinking coffee at work for a long time.

The NFC coffee make makes it possible to rapidly have a coffee exactly how you like it. It uses NFC technology. There is a NFC chip in your coffee mug.  It has an ID number. The number is linked to a specific account on an app. Each user can configure their coffee based on the options available on the machine. They can choose how much coffee, water, sugar and milk are used among other options. When you put the mug in the machine, the NFC reader in the machine reads the number on the NFC chip. The machine is connected to the internet and connects to a web application. The web application contains the information that the user configured on his or her mobile app. The machine then prepares the coffee according to this configuration. The user can change the configuration at any moment.

If your company installs an NFC coffee maker, its employees will be happier.

Before the NFC coffee machine existed people waited longer for their coffee. They took longer breaks becauseof the wait. The didn’t drink the type of coffee that they preferred. They were sometimes tired because they chose not to drink coffee.

The NFC coffee maker is more efficient than standard coffee makers. It is easier to make the coffee that you want with the NFC coffee maker.

If a company had an NFC coffee maker, its employees would really enjoy their break.

Unit 2 Presentation with stories and consequences

Unit 3 Trends

  • Oral expression : Past perfect continuous, Recognizing all verb tenses in English, Gerund, Adverb placement, Passive voice, Reported speech
  • Unit 3 work doc
  • Unit 3 graphs